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Conspiracize Me








Join hosts Robert Punchur and Grant DeArmitt as they go deep (not that deep) into the dangerous (pretty safe) world of original conspiracy theories! Each episode showcases two comedic guests pitting their own farcically fact-based conspiracy theories against one another. Only one can survive!



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In the inaugural episode of Conspiracize Me, hosts Robert Punchur and Grant DeArmitt welcome on NYC comedians Jesse Kruger and Cory Jarvis to debate their original fact-based conspiracy theories about airline pilots. Are plane crashes organized or is Zeus behind it all? Find out by listening. OR ELSE!

What is the truth behind young republicans? How do they still exist? Where do they come from? Find out by listening to the debate between Joseph Holmes of King's Image Films & Jordan Best of The King's College. 


What is the true conspiracy behind baldness? Hear firsthand fact-based TRUTH* from NYC comedian Chris Griggs and Australian storyteller Nate Troisi. With guest judge Victoria Jacobsen. *TRUTH may vary

Is Taylor Swift a fembot or is she on a Holy mission to destroy the patriarchy? Find out by listening to this debate between improvisers Conner Kennedy and Scott Ward. Hosted by Robert Punchur and Grant DeArmitt.  

What is the top-secret secret behind the secret service? Find out by listening to this debate between comedians Neko White and Phill Hunt! Hosted by Robert punchur and Grant DeArmitt. With special guest judge Victoria Jacobsen.

What is the true conspiracy behind The Illuminati? Who are they? What do they want? Is Britney Spears involved? What about Kanye? Are we in danger for listing this episode on iTunes? Are you in danger for listening to it? Are you too deep in to turn back now? Should you download immediately? The answer to all of these questions is YES! Even the ones that were open ended.

Listen to the debate between comedians Jason Scoop and Nicky Paris to learn more... before it's too late! With special guest judge Shane Parks. 

Produced by Arete Arts and Entertainment

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